What is Tapping ?

Tapping, also known as EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques or Meridian Therapy, is a method of accessing the parts of your brain that perceive threat and reprogram you to realise that there is no threat.
Tapping is an approved self-help modality by the American Psychologists Association with doctors and psychologists around the world now choosing to study it.
Tapping lowers cortisol levels by up to 40%, which reduces your child’s visible stress and anxiety by calming your nervous system and brain, and also has the added benefit of boosting positive antigens and antibodies that improve the overall well-being of your child’s body.

Why Should My Child Tap?

The physical and emotional benefits to Tapping are huge and it is an incredibly flexible tool that can be modified in many ways to benefit people of all ages and abilities.
Kids, teens and indeed some adults, often have no idea why they feel upset, or stressed, and yet Tapping will still reach the issue and allow it to calm and release.
Some of this may happen consciously, but a lot of it happens at an unconscious level.
One of the great things about Tapping is there is always some release in every session, even if you are not consciously aware of it.
So Tapping for a child allows the release of an issue to happen is a gentle, natural way, sometimes without their awareness, it “just feels good” to them.

Other Self-Regulation Methods Haven’t Worked – Why Would Tapping Be Any Different?

Tapping can be modified for kids who are non-verbal or who have trouble communicating, it can be modified for people with physical differences, it can be used with resistant kids while they sleep, or as a stim or kids who need help regulating.
Teenagers that just feel angry and don’t want to talk to anyone can use this powerful tool to calm themselves in private without having to talk to anyone, which is also useful for anyone who has trouble expressing themselves.
Tapping is a great self-help tool for ADHD and ASD and can reduce the severity of meltdowns in kids and adults.
It can also be a great tool to connect with your child, the magic of Tapping happens in your energy, and your child intuitively knows what a gift Tapping is, so parent child sessions can help create a powerful bond.
It fills a gap that traditional counselling or talk therapy misses, and allows a lot of emotion to be released and issues to be resolved in a simple, healthy way.
An adult may spend years in therapy with no real results, and yet the same issues can be cleared in a few weeks with Tapping.
Tapping can also be easily learned and practiced at home, with no need to always spend money and time with a practitioner.
It is the ultimate self-soothing, self help tool for every body.
Tapping can successfully help your child with many issues, some of which I have listed below, but this list is by no means exhaustive.
Reduce general stress/anxiety
Issues with friends
School worries/pressures
Exam pressure
Sports performance
Easy Transition to school/highschool/changing schools
Dealing with parents divorce/separation
Sensory processing
Monsters in the dark
Processing relative or pet death
Family upheaval
Recovering from illness
Fussy Eating
Tapping can be used on just about anything. From hurtful memories, anxiety and fear, to shame, guilt and doubts, to physical pain, cravings and addictions.
More or less any negative emotional state can be neutralised with the help of a good Tapping practitioner.