I’d always hated working for other people, I’d put my professional face on, pretending I gave a shit. I’d watch my wealthy customers spending heaps of money without batting an eyelid and thought they were so lucky, so privileged.
Then there was me – poor, stupid and average with no prospects, serving those who’d had a happy loving privileged childhood which meant they were wealthy, confident, clever and happy. (Or so I thought for the first 30 years of my life!)
Then it happened, one night, my son and daughter both picked up their bags and played “going to work”. Because that’s what Mummies and Daddies do right?
As I looked into their innocent faces the realisation hit me like a punch in the stomach. I didn’t want this to be their life too!
I hated that I had to be away from the kids so much. I hated that there was NO FREEDOM and someone else dictated to me when I can have a break and when I can go on holiday. I hated the pretence of desperately looking like we’ve got it all together, when we are all just slogging through the daily grind. What kind of life is that?
At that very moment I knew in my heart that I wanted change. For myself and my growing family. I knew it was time for me to start taking responsibility for my life, my situation. It was time to stop blaming work, mortgage rates and rising costs for my lack of fulfillment. The only person that could change the situation was me.
As I headed to bed early, so I can be ready for yet another early start, I started to form a vision of how I wanted life to be, that easy flow of good income, whilst having the freedom of no alarm clock, being an available parent and going on holiday when I damn well pleased!
From that moment on things were different. Maybe not outwardly to start with, but internally. And even though I didn’t have the foggiest idea how it was even possible, I dared to dream and began formulating my exit plan from the rat race.
The very first practical step that I took to change my reality, was to change my thinking. I became laser focussed on my goal, to quit my job and work for myself, on my hours, on my terms. I was determined to be available for school drop off and pick up and even though I couldn’t see how, I never took my eyes off that prize.
I began to educate myself with books such as The Secret and The Biology of Belief by Dr Bruce Lipton, and I started to understand that there was a whole school of thought out there that studied and practiced the theory that “thoughts become things”. Nowadays everyone has heard of The Law of Attraction, but back then I studied it, picked it apart to really understand how it worked and how I could make it work for me.
I began practising day in day out, if some people were reporting that changing their thinking was changing their reality then I was hellbent on making it work for me.
I followed three main principles that changed my life back then and continue to do so today, each as equally important as the other. Now with my own clients, I make it clear, that they need to follow all the steps with absolute conviction to see real and lasting change.
- I practised retraining my thoughts, actions and words constantly, it wasn’t easy at first but now it is second nature to me. I’ll share with you below the steps that helped me re-train my mind.
- I focussed my thoughts away from the LACK in my life and focussed on all the good stuff I already had.
- I practiced catching myself in the act of letting my thoughts wander back to worry and feeling sorry for myself. When I found my mind wandering, I gently thanked myself for noticing and focussed on something lovely that gave me the feeling of appreciation, such as watching my kids sleep.
- I didn’t beat myself up if I found myself worrying, it’s a natural human instinct, I simply thanked myself for another chance to practice adjusting my thoughts.
- I excused myself politely from negative office gossip and told myself I was abundant in so many things. I stayed away from people who liked to complain about their lives.
- I took every opportunity to practice gratitude. I was grateful for basic things such as the sky, fresh water, beautiful flowers, anything that made me feel appreciative.
- Secondly, I sought help from a professional to help me work through deep unconscious beliefs that were holding me back from a fulfilling life. She uncovered blocks I had no idea I was carrying, but they made so much sense to me. She released them using energy healing and even back then I had no idea what she was doing, I was totally open to that fact it was doing something, because I wanted change in my life bad enough. The shifts were amazing, and as we released more and more limiting beliefs that I held, my outer world began to shift.
- Thirdly, I practised the Law Of Attraction theory of “feeling the feeling of already having it.” And I took it to the same level that I noticed the successful people did. So, as I got on the train to work, and dealt with clients during my day I pretended in my mind, that it was all my choice, and that they were actually MY clients, from MY business. I pretended that getting on the stinky packed train was my choice to go and see one of MY clients. I basically acted (in my head) like my life was already perfect, that I was already running that successful business and had heaps of clients. I treated every conversation during my work day as though it was MY conversation and decisions that benefitted my personal business.
I kept this up every day for weeks, and after a month or so of constant role play in my head, the shift came in my actual reality, first as a dream job and then as studying EFT, quitting my job and working as a practitioner! (Disclaimer Alert!! These were my personal results, others may achieve quicker or slower results depending on mindset and core beliefs)
I knew, that for this theory of changing your reality to work for me I had to apply it to the same degree as the experts. So I did…relentlessly. At times I thought, who am I kidding and wondered if I was going off my rocker. But the stories of success and the science behind it hooked me, and I knew to my core there was something in it, and if others could do it, why couldn’t I?
As I sit here writing this now, I am working for myself, teaching people to do exactly what I did. Using the above steps I have been able to retrain and study many energy modalities and now I am highly qualified to work deep in the quantum energy field to release blocks and unconscious beliefs in others. I get to sit here with absolute joy because I made it happen, I put in all the hard work when there were no tangible signs of change, and kept up an unwavering belief that if others could do it, so could I.
Now I get to pick up and drop off the kids from school, rearrange my work day easily of someone falls ill and help other to work through their beliefs and doubts so that they can do the same thing. I have achieved freedom and security instead of trading one for the other.
My passion is supporting people through making serious changes in their life, so if you’re not happy with your current situation then why not give me a shout. Seriously, if I can do it, so can you.