EFT, Tapping or Meridian Therapy (all names for the same thing) is an emotional version of acupuncture without the needles. It is revolutionary process for healing the emotions, anything from past traumas to limiting beliefs such as guilt and self doubt, to more physical symptoms such as pain, cravings and addictions.
EFT works on the assumption that negative experiences cause a block in the body’s energy system and unless they are cleared out they continue to limit you in certain areas, such as making money, maintaining fulfilling relationships, confidence, self worth and if left unchecked completely, eventually manifest into the physical body as pain, illness and disease.
It works by applying pressure to the same points on the body that acupuncturists use, (minus the needles), these points are part of the body’s energetic Meridian system that form the basis of ancient Chinese medicine.
The process of Tapping involves consciously talking about what bothers you, while tapping on the Meridian points. This process causes all the negative charge around the issue to be dispelled, leaving you feeling neutral about it, or even being unable to recall it at all.
The results are generally permanent, unless there are multiple aspects to the issue which may arise at different times, but these too can be removed using Tapping as they arise.
It is also used on healing and releasing negative beliefs about ourselves. You may “say” you are ready to let go of an issue, and consciously really want it to happen, but your sub-conscious maybe telling a different story.
By working with your sub-conscious directly we can collapse your core issues and change the language your unconscious mind is using to something more in line with what you actually want. Using this method we can release all those unhelpful core beliefs, often picked up in childhood, like not feeling good enough, not worthy or deserving.
Tapping can be used on just about anything. From hurtful memories, anxiety and fear, to shame, guilt and doubts, to physical pain, cravings and addictions.
More or less any negative emotional state can be neutralised with the help of a meridian Tapping practitioner.
There is a more comprehensive list of some of the things Tapping can help with at the end of this page, however this is not an exhaustive list.
As humans, we are generally very visually driven, if we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
Therefore we believe in physical pains and memories because they affect our physical body, but we have a much harder time accepting that these are the results of an unresolved emotion sitting in our meridian system.
However we can use Meridian Tapping with an open mind, we will soon experience the powerful results these techniques bring.
Think of your body as a house, with electrical wires running all around the outside, through the walls and roof. We can’t see those wires, yet if there is a glitch or block to some of them we notice the result. We can’t turn on a light, or a socket blows the fuse.
Our body is just like a house. If we make sure there’s no blocks or glitches in our wiring we can keep our physical body happy and healthy. If we use techniques like meridian Tapping we can look after our wires.
Tapping can be used in its own right, or to compliment western medicine, whatever you feel is right for you.